Member-only story
My Curated Stories on Medium
Explore stories that have been chosen for further distribution…
Curation on Medium practically means that a story has been distributed through one or more topics on the platform.
A curated story can be included in Medium’s daily digest email, or it can be featured more frequently both in the app and the website to readers interested in the specific topic(s). Thus it makes sense for writers to strive for curation since their stories can get higher exposure.
This doesn’t mean that non-curated stories are necessarily of lower quality. The articles are reviewed by people and in the end, the decision about whether an article will be curated or not is partly subjective. One should learn to live with that. I've written stories I believed would be instantly curated but they did not, and others that did, but were not so much expected to.
In order to be more accessible, I’ve decided to include all my stories (curated and not-curated) in one place where they can be easily explored by readers. You can take a look at them below: